Friday, July 24, 2009


Waiting for the 14 hour ferry. This time we were there on time (which turned out to be 3.5 hours early.) Waited in a line of motorcycles just hanging out for the afternoon. Goodbye Newfoundland! I'll be back again when I can.
Another KLR rider, taking a KLR nap.
Our top-bunk sleepers. I didn't make much use of mine over the night as I met a newfie riding an old kawasaki 750; we chatted all night.
Went to Fort Louisburg in Nova Scotia. Took this sweet picture. The people there are weird looking.
The reason to go to Fort Lousiburg: 4 pound loaf of bread, cooked old-style. Scott recalled a story of visiting the Fort as a child, and the highlight was the bread. That's why we went.
Mmmmm..... bread. Delicious.
That little red light is Scott. This is pretty much exactly how I saw it. This is at 11pm, 80km/hr, almost at the Bay of Fundy. Right after this picture, we switched so I was leading. A baby moose jumped out in front of me. He almost wiped out, clumsily slipping on the pavement. I was to fascinated to be surprised, really. But still, I was mere feet away from hitting  a moose that stood as high as I do.
This will be my profile shot when my book comes out.
Lobster time in the Bay of Fundy. We had to wait about 20 minutes while they pulled the lobsters out of the traps. Can't get much fresher.
The aftermath. Take that lobster!

1 comment:

  1. mmmm lobster! That reminds me of the lobster I ate when I was staying in Balmoral, NB. I'm very jealous right about now!
