Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Flin Flon?

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1058km first day. Wanna detour up to Flin Flon? Or go most of the way and breakfast in Flin Flon? It'd also make for some cool north-Manitoba riding.
Standing at the entrance to the tourist park, the 24 foot statue of Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin, designed by cartoonist Al Capp, welcomes visitors to Flin Flon. Flinty was the hero of a science fiction novel found in the wilderness by gold prospectors in the early years of the century. When they found gold in 1914, they remembered the story and called their claim Flin Flon. The name stuck, and that's how the town got its name.

I've been rustling around this series of tubes seeing if there's any weird/unique/fun stops along the way that we otherwise might just pass by.

Also: Jet Boating in Montreal. It's awesome and totally worth it.


  1. Flin Flon sucks, but so does the south route.

  2. If we go via Prince Albert it is exactly 1000km, but is it worth the extra 600km the next day?

  3. Probably not worth the extra 600km. There are (apparently) some good secondary highways that ARE worth a bit of detour to stay off hwy16, but then again maybe we should just hammer east as far as possible the first two days... more tiem to explore out east.
